better keep your head....
WTF is up with Southern Baptists? if I had to isolate the weirdest bunch of Americans, they be them...and yesterday, they had a Chick-fil-A appreciation day where they all flocked to the restaurants in the bible belt and ate chicken sandwiches..some of the folks went three times a day to show support for the CEO Dan Cathy, who is anti gay anti civil rights...
now I grew up in the 50s and 60s and watched white people try to piss on certain segments of the society...luckily, I liked black music even though it was sung by "jungle bunnies" according to the Southern Baptists....I couldn't possibly analyse these religious nuts in one post, so instead I'll make fun of them, these chicken fuckers...
now the Chick fil A event was promoted on FOX TV by former Arkansas gov and Southern Baptist Mike Huckabee who's been crying about the "vicious attacks on Chick-fil-A by the leftists"....ok Huckabee is a hick and was a bad governor and all these bozos always end up on FOX NEWS..the most corrupt business in America owned by the most corrupt man in the world, Rupet Murdoch...and Huckabee gladly receives a paycheck from Ruppie!
ok so these folks eat chicken to support traditional marriage..their biblical rendition...between a man and a woman....that's fine..whatever..if people want to get married that's nice....and divorce won't be far behind..unless you are religious then you stay married even if you hate your partner, or he has sex with the daughter... the bible says he's just a sinner who can be saved!
don't forget what your good book says
that's the Southern Baptist logic...that's the Jerry Falwell doctrine...but being a Southern Baptist is not exactly a badge of honor..they are steeped in a past full of racism and violence: The paltry number of people of color in the SBC is rooted in its once upon a time unabashedly racist history. Notoriously known to have filled the ranks of the Ku Klux Klan, Southern Baptists have been vociferous defenders of anti-miscegenation laws, Jim Crows edicts, lynching mob justice, to name a few. The Southern Baptist Convention was founded in 1845 in defense of slavery.
it seems when these people run out of one group to hate, they find another..and Mike Huckabee claimed the left was vicious for attacking a bigot like Dan Cathy..but Mike's full of shit and he knows it, and preaching to the choir is the easy way out...
Huckabee is a failed presidential candidate from some years ago but quit when it was discovered he like cop killers
Huckabee’s multiple answers and explanations for his clemency decision have not quelled a riot of anger against him rising up from blogs, talk radio, and some Republican strategists who’ve worked against him in the past. For 24 hours, conservatives debated Huckabee’s role in the Washington tragedy. Opponents of the governor-turned-TV-host piled on, offering it up as proof that he could never lead the party. Even some former campaign aides suggested that the Clemmons clemency, in the context of many similar decisions Huckabee made during his 12-year stint in the governor’s office, had seriously damaged his hope of grabbing the Republican presidential nomination.
now your crosses are burning fast....
1 comment:
Vice President Candidate Hickahlbee how do you respond to tha'at.
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