Thursday, August 30, 2012

wild wild life

I'm wearin' Fur pajamas I ride a Hot potato It's ticklin' my fancy Speak up, I can't hear you Here on this mountaintop

so there's a letter in the News-Press from the Wildlife Care Network thanking Wendy P McCuckoo for this and that..actually it was a kiss-ass letter from the nonprofit president Lessie Nixon Schontzler because Wendy gave them some money and some property to expand the facilities...they say if you see a little wild animal that's hurt to call if I see a wounded bat on the ground or a maimed gopher, I should call them?? no way...I'll let the little fellers die then the vultures and even the crows will dispatch them....

if'n I ever do need to call someone, it'll be County Animal taxes at work..and BTW, do the gals at the Wildlife Care Network know that Wendy gives money to the Center for Biological Diversity and Mayhem who supported the killing of thousands of animals on the Channel Islands in the name of biodiversity?? did you know that ladies? damn bitches

yup, the Nature Conservancy and Parks Service used helicopters, poison , fences and dogs to harrass and kill a wide variety of animals..pigs, owls, hawks..hell they even killed some "endangered" foxes... that's irony for ya!

ok so I read in the Ventura County Star that Tony Strickland is in trouble with teabaggers and a guy named Tim Donnelly because Tony voted with Democrats for a bill that bans using dogs when hunting bears...the US Humane Society was for the bill too, and I commend them although president Wayne Pacelle and the USHS were silent during the Channel Islands massacre...

if you hunt, hunt.. use bows, guns and all the cool stuff but don't shoot fish in a barrel...go out and stalk and camp and move around...most real hunters are not always successful and respect the kill when they are successful...dogs are useful when hunting fowl, for retrieving the dead bird but dogs should never ever be used to scare a bear up a tree so some jerkoff yuppiemuppie can shoot it!! using dogs to hunt bears is stupid, using bait stations smothered in peanut butter and jelly is stupid...that's not what you do...

now, a quick background check reveals the guy is Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, R-Twin Peaks who was busted by the TSA for carrying a loaded gun on a plane..he copped a plea and paid a fine...he's a wacked out neo Nazi Christian militia kinda guy.....time for a recall of this bozo

apparently a bunch of anonymous teabaggers spurred on by Donnelly emailed Strickland and threatened him because of his vote...

these guys aren't hunters, they are fanatics from the deep south tradition of inbreeding and sex with farm my question is: WTF are they doing in California??

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