Monday, October 14, 2013

good-bye Columbus

we're taking the world by surprise

everything you were taught as a kid needs to be re-evaluated when you get old enough to think for yourself..of course some of you will never be able to think for yourselves that's why there's Republicans!

now my sense of history is what I lived through and can provide testimony first hand...I've seen it so I know it

in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue with a crew..his ships were the Pinta the Nina and the Santa Maria....Santa Maria is what I'll focus on today..for today's holiday...

when Columbus arrived in America...uh...I don't know what he saw because I wasn't there..I can only piece together a scenerio based on available evidence...

now I've long suspected that prostitutes walk the floors of the Chumash casino in Santa Maria..tooting their tits so to I've got nothing against prostitutes so long as they are clean and pretty..the ugly ones've reached rock bottom when you have to pay an ugly woman for sex!!

but anyway, one of the stories about Columbus and his crew is that they made it with some Indians in America, got syphilis, and spread it thoughout Europe...Not a single report of pre-Columbian syphilis in Europe....

today the Chumash are still in the vice business..gambling, illicit sex and God knows what else happens up in the Valley of COLAB under the guise of virtue....

so I guess the Columbus Day holiday is a way to be thankful you don't have a STD from an Indian girl???

I don't know, native women are kinda pretty and who could blame Columbus for being tempted? not me!

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