in the midnight hour she cried more more more!!!
now I found the Saturday Page 4 News-Press interesting..two stories stacked on top of each about a conservative radio talk show host (just what we need) Jason Lewis who claims that libertarianism is the conscience of alcoholism id the conscience of conservatism..besides, I've never heard of this Jason Lewis fellow but there he was talking at Wendy's Roundtable event at her Reagan Ranch Center..all in attempts to brainwash highschoolers....and potential Young Miss America Foundation cult members...these are money worshippers....
kids, we need an educated workforce, not a bunch of faggy radio talk show hosts!!! we need workers with passion not a bunch of non-profit profiteers!!
ok a search finds that Jason Lewis is a frequent guest host for Rush and geez
geez again...instead of trying to stamp out ignorance in America, Wendy is encouraging it!! European liberals need to help us out here
beer culture lushes
is there a surcharge for all these booze fests??
then there's the story of the Beer Festival on's bad enough we got the SB View complaining the grocery unions are interfering with chubby Sharon's ability to buy beer at Fresh n Easy, but we got a bunch of slackers attending a beer festival..ANOTHER ONE@#
and the News-Press claims 2000 people showed up for 4 hours to taste beer...hmmmmm
Elings Beer Fest: Please join us Saturday, October 19th, 2013, from 12:00 to 4:00 p.m., when the fields at Elings Park will be transformed into Santa Barbara's oldest beer festival featuring the best microbrews from the central and west coast. For just $50 advance purchase and $60 after October 12, you'll get a glass and an awesome afternoon of beer tasting. We look forward to seeing you there!
let's analyse that statement: the News-Press claims 2000 paid attendees showed up for 4 hours to taste beer...and the News-PRess said the event raised $80000....and the folks paid $50 to $60 to get @ $60 * 2000 people should be about $ where'd the other 40 grand go?? hmmmm, indeed
but don't miss the next 4-hour festival on the heels of the beer festival!!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Elings Park Soccer Fields ~ 12PM to 4PM
Elings Park presents the Rebel Yell Rockabilly Festival. Hot Rod car show, Pin-Up girl contest, beer garden, live music, food, kids corral and much more! More information to come. If you have any questions or would like to participate please contact Christina at or call 805-569-5611.
beer garden???
and speaking of libertarian teabaggers, Rand Paul's son was arrested for another alcohol issue... the libertarians really want the taxpayers to spend money babysitting them and their offspring when they become inebriated, which seems to be all the time...
ok so alcohol is everywhere now in Santa Barbara and to a lesser but equally evil extent in Carp...there's a gang task force and a homeless task force, but no alcohol task force..
until now...
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