now, I suppose I could place some IEDs on the side of the road and wipe out about 25 cyclists with one pop...but of course that's out of the question...hmmmm
yes out of the I'm sitting in the living room and I hear a bunch of noise outside and see guess what I see....a bunch of bike riders!! followed by some Harleys with Amercan flags waving..and some support vehicles...oh it's a bike ride for wounded vets from the Afghanistan sorry they got wounded but what did they expect? you invade a country and they are gonna fight you...what's the mission in Afghanistan? why are we spending billions in Afghanistan? to get the Taliban? those guys are hiding in Pakistan...
In an exclusive interview with The Fiscal Times, John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, said that the Pentagon, aid agencies and the State Department must quickly evaluate these projects to determine whether the billions being spent in Afghanistan right now will yield the desired results or not. Many projects are simply not sustainable, he said – and continuing to spend on them results not just in a wasted fortune, but very real risks to nearly 90,000 American soldiers who are still there. - See more at:
you can ride bikes through Caprinteria and wave American flags all you want, but the fact is the wars we have gotten ourselves into are nonsensical right-wing idiotic fantasies and a waste of lives and money....
hey why not ride a bike for peace today....or at least against America's foolish jingoism
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