well it 's nice to see on the pages of the Independent the SEIU duke it out with city council candidate Lesley Wiscomb, a rightwinger and from the looks of her face, a boozer!!
Witch Wisbomb! |
Lesley is quoted as saying the unions are responsible for the economic downturn in 2008...she's a former Wall Street bond trader so she should know better!
the whole idea that there's some kind of conflict of interest when city employees give money to a campaign is absolutely silly..there is no conflict of interest...if I work for the city and have union representation, the union can give my money to the pro-labor candidate...when cmployees pool their money, the sum gets bigger..this is one way to fight someone like the Bircher anti-union Koch Bros or Wendy who got her money via divorce or some other wealthy dude giving $10000 to a rightwing candidate...
can you then argue that Lesley might have a conflict of interest if something comes up before the council for a vote, just because someone supported her campaign ?? Mike Self for example comes up before the city council and Lesley hears her bitch about a bulb-out in her neighbor.hood...Mike Self supported Lesley's campaign..should Lesley recuse herself from the proceedings?? of course not
and you can't discriminate against a city employee for giving money to a campaign which is what Witch Wisbomb is advocating!
follow the money??? |
it's just downright silly....200 union members give $100 each to a campaign..nothing wrong with that....wealthy individual gives same amout to his candidate..nothing wrong with that...
it gets sorted out in the election.....money does not buy elections and you can still vote your free will!! so...VOTE PRO-LABOR!!!
now, during contract negotiations, the council members don't negotiate....the city HR personnel and the workers/union negotiate..if the contract is approved/ratified then the council votes yes or no...Wiscomb thinks a council member can't vote yes or no because of support during the campaign from city workers??
baloney...councils vote no all the time and the contract goes back to the negotiating table and gets hammered out...
it's not as complicated or nefarious as the rightwingers like Lesley Wisbomb make it out to be...
if she wants to make it illegal for a city worker to give money to a campaign, I for one would like to see her try...
until then, don't vote for someone who doesn't understand how the process works..she's pandering to contributers to diss the city workers.....
you got to pick up every stitch.....
1 comment:
So if you were voting, who would you vote for? Your endorsements, please.
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