Sunday, September 14, 2014


 ナフヘフ fオス トケツネセフヘ ネスヘ ヌアノ「セチセ

as I said I am thoroughly disgusted with the City of Santa Barbara, the City Council and the new city atty Ariel Calonne formerly with the City of Ventura....if this guy is still on a probationary period before he gets full time status, he should be fired immediately....and a lawyer with a spine should be hired in Ariel's place... all this guy does is settle...district elections, drunk drivers, whatever it is he won't put up a fight..he just bends over ....pathetic....

I had an old bottle of Saki in the kitchen cupboard and decided to drink the whole thing, like Buddhist monks do...once a year they get plastered to I drank the was pretty mellow and soon my head was spinning....I was laughing and shouting out loud at no one...and everyone

then I hear a banjo... I stumble into the living room and see an Asian chick fiddling with my banjoele I keep on the wall....

so I watched her for awhile..she started whistling "Sukiyaki"'s the only thing that made any sense....

キォトォ  キォ キォトォ  キォ....

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