Tuesday, September 16, 2014

White Room

where the shadows run from themselves.....

I had an appointment with the hygienist so into Santa Barbara I went..apparently my mouth is so super trashy and disgusting, I need a whole other person to clean it out for me...she was pretty hot and so was the weather..blistering in SB..the heat was real hot

now what..DA Joyce Dudley of the front page of the News-Press..Joyce and Wendy new BFFs! with Joyce going easy on drunk drivers, I see a friendship blossoming, possibly into lesbianism

Joyce's mistakes were not to pursue resisting arrest charges against party boy Tony..and what about all that child porn on the News-Press computers, Joyce???

YES! we need a District Atty with some balls...Sneddon was a disaster; Joyce is a joke and Josh Lynn's campaign against Joyce was financed by a bunch of potheads and drug dealers!! geez, no wonder we can't get any justice...

shitfuckpiss on you all....

well I see the new white Public Market by the Arlington so I go in and....but can't figure it out...you walk around and there's shelves with some goods, a small fruit place..more employees than customers with blank stares of Abercrombie Fitch models

the rest of the place is like a Top Chef kitchen.....I start running in a panic but I'm like rat in a maze.. no place leads anywhere but around in a circle, then in back there's an exit with no doors..just big black screens/grids that are inexplicable

I pick up some Ginger Lemonade and shampoo..I thought the shampoo was like $7 but, when I finally found the check-out stand named Forager's (???) it rung up for $17!!! I double-checked the Ginger Lemondade to make sure no alcohol was in it..the yuppies put alcohol in everything now

the Public Market is a like a foodie prison! get me the fuck outta here...I won't go back ..when I check out of a grocery store or market, I wanna see a union gal with big tits behind the counter, not some short skinny dude who looks like he makes craft beer all day...bring back VON'S

who doesn't like to drive down Anapamu by the SBHS and see the giant Italian  Stone Pines? they must be saved because they are awesome...but oh yeah..they're non-native..a crime in SB

then I drive home and there's a car in front of me called a Leaf....

I love the smell of burning leaves in the Fall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I chuckle whenever you mention child porn on the N-P computers. I remember Wendy's pronouncement in the Los Angeles Times -- yes, the L.A. Times: "We intend to write more about the scourge of child pornography, and we intend to uncover and expose anyone, including any former or current employees of our paper, who traffics and delights in the sexual abuse of children. The story has just begun." The year was 2007, and Wendy was hoping to smear a former editor with false accusations. After an outraged public made it clear her efforts had backfired, she lost interest in "the scourge of child porn." Now the paper can't even be bothered to report the recent sentencing of a local man for downloading videos of children being sexually abused. Don't bother with the News-Press. You can find the news in the Independent.