ok so I get to the theater and folks are walking in and I buy a ticket..in the ticket booth is melon-head Matt Roberts, Parks Director.. I hand him a twenty and he gives me a funky old ripped ten back...subliminal message that he's uncomfortable with me being there!
and there's lots of old folks and some yuppies but no kids?? I soon find out why...the conference or Colloquium as they call it was pretty boring....Colloquium??
next we get some pimply kid from the Channel Islands ummmming and ahhhhing trying to explain about the shark teeth marks on sea lions or pinnipeds as the "experts" like to call them ...you can measure the distance from one shark tooth bite to the other!!! NEAT!! sit down kid and come back when you turn 23 fer Christ sakes...
next a guy with some slides and video showed some sharks....this was like a high school class or maybe a low budget Nat Geo special....the guy was ok in that he said sharks are good but then he says he and his cohorts are working on some weird system to keep sharks from feeding near the shore so swimmers don't have to fear the water anymore..WTF kinda sense does that make..the ocean is the sharks' environment, not ours!! and it is pure folly to try to prevent humans from feeling fear, or measuring risks..it's what keeps us sharp...the fear instinct..the wonder of seeing a shark close to shore...oh no, I'll have to stop these guys somehow
ok so I'm getting a little peeved at all this fuss when finally Peter Howorth from the Marine Mammal Center and the News-Press comes up and starts mumbling anf fumbling with the computer..they used a computer to generate the slides and videos...man this dude is boring and he starts with a slide that says he kinda likes sharks but is concerned that they are feeding on pinnipeds..I got up, let out a grunt that everyone heard and left the theater, shaking my head all the way out the door...
sharks feeding on pinnipeds is a natural occurance, but this guy Howorth wants to save all the pinnipeds, the seals and sea lions from attacks!!
well what do you expect from someone who works for Wendy....
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