Tuesday, June 25, 2013

world in changes

still goin' through...

so I'm getting ready to coach a football game and all the guys are there....it's a great big field we're on, grass glistening on a sunny day...I can see some orange goal posts in the distance and some kids running around excitedly, their voices clear and reassuring...

I get a brown leather football but it's deflated and laying on the ground...the kids and a few adults gather 'round...I get on my knees and insert a needle and pump the football up...it says 8 pounds maximum but I go to 9 pounds and bust the rubber bladder inside...I look around and everybody is staring solemnly at the football, which looks like a shriveled up aborted fetus..I panic a little and tell everyone to use a baseball or a basketball to start the game and that I'll go buy another football and be back soon...they all shake their heads and mutter and one assistant coach says they can't use a basketball to play football..I say I know- but to try and I'd be back soon..

so I hop on my bike and go look for a football..I get to an old toy store and see two footballs on the counter among a bunch of antique stuff, and pick one up..I insert a needle again and blow it up but it's huge.... way too big to hold...it looks like a caricature of a football...I walk around rather anxious then the store gal comes out and asks "can I help you...sir?"

I look at her intently, she's blonde and rather entitled but I ask if she's got a regulation size football anyway..she shows me some green sneakers...what ever happened to customer service??

I leave and get on my bike..there's some more stores in Carp...I tell myself I should have driven my truck but keep riding the bike..next thing I know I'm hanging out with Dave Mason, the rocker, and a few others and we are discussing rubber and Dave says it's a resource that people take for granted...he laments all the tires sitting in dumps and I say they recycle those and use them to fill the roads, to resurface some of the roads...

everyone looks at me without saying a thing...there faces all dull and rubbery....

it's 6:00 am and I woke up from that dream...apparently Michael Jackson couldn't dream like that because his REM was interrupted by drugs or whatever...if you can't dream, you'll die

as for the football, well...I'll be looking for one today...

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