ok Santa Barbara.. I need to prepare you for what's coming over the next few months...no the Bird Refuge won't turn orange..well maybe it will but that's not what I need to warn you about...and last time I looked the Bird Refuge was bright green...the more non-native plants Jill pulls out, the weirder the water color gets...you could say life is like watercolor!
but here's what I'm warning you about- first, the more conservatives you allow to move to the valley, the more murder-suicides you will see
the City Of Santa Barbara is having an election, a district election and lots of Mexicans are running, not from a crime scene, but for office
westside Mexes, eastside Mexes...about the only place there ain't no Mexicans is up on the Mesa.. I was up there at La Mesa park last week and you know what I saw?? a bunch of moms with their babies ...I think I started Breastfeeding in the Park! they know the coyote won't harm them and they all just huddled together with baby carriages, boobs and babies having fun...AWESOME MOMS!!
but the elections could bring SB another Mexican, hopefully a Latina and the city council meetings will be filled with Poder folks instead of the crazy white guys you see at public comment...
since the News-Press doesn't really know if the Mexican gals are citizens because they are Mexican, they will refer to them as "illegals" as they do all Mexicans
News-Press Headline: "Illegals Elected to City Council"
but I wouldn't mind seeing Christina Cardosa and Jaqueline Inda on the council to replace Dale Francisco who is termed out and leaving to head the California Tea Party with Orly Taitz...
now, there should be no scenerio where Lucy wins the election....I've explained why in previous posts and I'm confident she will lose...
but, if she wins she'll probably make the council say a prayer before each meeting...
like that's gonna help them
Ms. Zachary's bird refuge is going dry and I am proposing a go-cart track. What do you think??
well that's beyond brilliant and more in line with Huguette may have envisioned!
Electric go carts -- no more fumes!
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