Monday, May 9, 2011

all along the Watchtower....


ok so I wonder why the News-Press has found Jehovah all of a sudden....couldn't be Wendy or Nipper....who could it be? who is directing the Right Wing of Heaven into the News-Press operations? is Santa Barbara the new hub of Christian broadcasting??? is the News-Press really Watchtower magazine now??

well, maybe...and the person responsible perhaps is none other than the Director of Operations, Don I searched and it didn't take long to find Don on Facebook....

whoa..the little dude gots 400 facebook friends...there's Nipper, Frank Hotchkiss, Abel Maldonado, Grant House, Lanny Ebenstein, present KEYT weatherman Alan Rose, the very sexy Kate Wentzel, former weathergirl from KEYT....and some other folks who get favorable treatment in the News-Press like #69...
so this is the guy who's behind all the right wing must've been Don who floated that anti-union petition!!! Don Katich is really Dr. Evil!! praise Jesus!!

and one of Don's facebook friends is Steven Kunes, the guy who was recently in the news for all sorts of fraud.... In 1982, Kunes attempted to sell to People magazine a fake interview with reclusive author J. D. Salinger, whom he had never met. Salinger sued and settled the case under the conditions that Kunes was "permanently enjoined from representing by any means that he is associated with or ever met Salinger", barred from "exhibiting, transmitting or exhibiting documents, writing or statements attributed to Salinger" and "required to collect and turn over any offending such documents or writings for destruction". The "interview" was never published.. Steven Kunes was arrested on March 17, 2011 for purportedly swindling his friend, former CafĂ© Buenos Aires owner Wally Ronchietto, out of $2,000 for a movie deal that doesn’t exist. On April 23, 2011, Noozhawk, a Santa Barbara online publication, announced that it has removed six of Mr. Kunes' articles from their digital archives as two contained plagiarized passages.

FUCKIN' A... ..I'm cracking the case!!!

wow... so it looks like KEYT and the News-Press have morphed into the same blobosphere...the same incestuous little news circle...

Katich and Gerry Fall both worked at KEYT and they both left to work for the News-Press..what.. are they gay??? and some of that incompetence has stained both media organizations!

really, KEYT is just horrible now and so is the I guess we can thank Don Katich.... and a new addition on Saturday is Ann Coulter's column....she's the poster girl for conservative eating disorders who still has the hots for George Bush and his trillion dollar deadly war foray into Iraq... and she thanks HIM for getting Bin Laden!!!

yes this must be the case..if you find a wealthy benefactor like Wendy McCaw and you kiss her ass all the way up to her belly button, she'll let you run the News-Press.....into the ground!!

I can't believe it! All this incompetence is rewarded with Wendy's ex-husband's money!!!

HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THIS STUFF???? just don't let any of these folks touch the controls....


Anonymous said...

Wendy's GURU is Baron Ron Herron.

Anonymous said...

Praise JESUS! Mick you have show me THE LIGHT! It all makes sense now. Let the News Press hire Steven Kunes as its top reporter. That way we can have a phony Heiress, with a phony boyfriend, running a phony newspaper, guided by a phony news director, selling phony stories by phony news writers! Its the second coming of journalism! Why stop at Kunes? How about bylines straight from J.D. Salinger? "Sick owls beat to death by Pency Prep School Students." Recluse, strange half-a billionaire resurrects recluse odd-ball dead writer. It couldnt get any better than that!

Mick Von Caw said...


Anonymous said...

Wow you are great! "kiss her ass all the way to her belly button." Hysterical. And you have the best photos. Kate, Joe and Frank. You outta get your own award. Since Jesus arrived at the quonset hut by the sewage plant things have really gotten smelly around the SBNewsPress.

Anonymous said...

"Just don't let any of these folks touch the controls." Too late. Someone already decided that what readers want with their morning coffee and croissant is road kill on the front page and Julia di Sieno telling them how "traumatized" she is. Wait... I forgot. This isn't about what readers want, it's about what Wendy McCaw wants. F--- the readers.

Anonymous said...

yeah ole craig mccaw must have been temporarily insane when he married mcmenopause. lucky for him, though, he paid her to go away. we're stuck with her sorry ass and her cadre of faux news gathering geldings. sell it, wendy. sell it. or at least move it to south carolina, like boeing.

Anonymous said...

Julia Di Sieno is a liar and a fraud. She knows nothing about wildlife, takes people's money and can't wait to go after children for a little more press. She needs to be a celebrity not a wildlife rehabilator. It is NOT about the animals. She breaks more Fish and Game rules than anyone in this state. She can't keep volunteers because she is not following the rules of ethical conduct and the animals are suffering.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Steven Kunes has said in interviews that his inspiration for literary pranks sprang early on in life after reading of the City Lights gang, namely the Merry Pranksters. The guy's a great writer who didn't settle for great and has now become a living legend, like Norman Lear who discovered him in 1983. Have a sense of humor, Santa Barbara! The guy's a writer, not a Tea Party member.