while the conservatives are deflecting blame for their failed policies, teachers were demonstrating around the state about cuts in education......the teachers were protesting at La Colina Jr. High..
a conservative parent named Pamela Andrews didn't like the fact that working Americans were assembling peacefully so she went running to Wendy's News-Press to complain, like Rob Lowe did! and Scott Steepleton, Wendy's chief brown noser city editor, wrote a little anti-union piece.....
Pam, goddammit read the CONSTITUTION if you know what it is: First Amendment..Freedom of Assembly
Pam, goddammit read the CONSTITUTION if you know what it is: First Amendment..Freedom of Assembly
And know this...
The right of every single United States citizen to peacefully...
Parade and Gather
Demonstrate support or opposition of public policy
Express one's views
...is guaranteed by the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.
Pammy claims the unionized teachers didn't have the right to pass out fliers "of a political nature" to people passing by or to tell them to contact Tony Strickland to extend some temporary taxes on help the schools....the teachers were asking state ass member Tony Strickland, the guy who is owned by big tobacco, for help...but Pam Andrews cried they were "demonizing Tony"... what a dumb ass this lady is!
you wanna see demonizing Pammy, read on....
Tony doesn't help gov't workers, he only helps non-profits and private sector corporations..he's a corporate whore.....he'd rather have your kids smoke cigarettes than tax the big tobacco companies who sell their drugs to people who are dumb enough to use them....Tony Stickland is an enabler, but people Like Pam are too stupid to realize it....
meanwhile #69 is writing notes to Tony, too!
Parade and Gather
Demonstrate support or opposition of public policy
Express one's views
...is guaranteed by the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.
Pammy claims the unionized teachers didn't have the right to pass out fliers "of a political nature" to people passing by or to tell them to contact Tony Strickland to extend some temporary taxes on help the schools....the teachers were asking state ass member Tony Strickland, the guy who is owned by big tobacco, for help...but Pam Andrews cried they were "demonizing Tony"... what a dumb ass this lady is!
you wanna see demonizing Pammy, read on....
Tony doesn't help gov't workers, he only helps non-profits and private sector corporations..he's a corporate whore.....he'd rather have your kids smoke cigarettes than tax the big tobacco companies who sell their drugs to people who are dumb enough to use them....Tony Stickland is an enabler, but people Like Pam are too stupid to realize it....
meanwhile #69 is writing notes to Tony, too!
May 1, 2011 10:02 AM from the Animal Rescue Team
Dear Sen. Tony Strickland:
Dear Sen. Tony Strickland:
Please, we need your help immediately.
Bobcat fur coats have become a hot item among the fashion conscious in Russia, China, Italy and Greece, leading to a big jump in prices and exports for the soft, spotted pelts. The fur’s booming popularity has some wildlife advocates worried about the possible over-trapping of the cats, which are so reclusive that most states do not know just how many exist.....
Bobcat fur coats have become a hot item among the fashion conscious in Russia, China, Italy and Greece, leading to a big jump in prices and exports for the soft, spotted pelts. The fur’s booming popularity has some wildlife advocates worried about the possible over-trapping of the cats, which are so reclusive that most states do not know just how many exist.....
ok so notes get passed around..if the private sector can send me unsolicited junk through the mail, if newspapers can include unsolicited junk fliers in between the sheets, then teachers can protest outside a school and hold up signs....at the very least
this is just another lame attempt by the News-Press to demonize unions and the working class....but the long phallus of justice is coming soon Wendy, and you won't be able to walk right for a while if you catch my meaning....
this is just another lame attempt by the News-Press to demonize unions and the working class....but the long phallus of justice is coming soon Wendy, and you won't be able to walk right for a while if you catch my meaning....
Yeah, but by the time the National Labor Relations Board gets done unzipping its pants to whip out the law, it will be so old that... well, you get the picture.
On Page 1 today, the News-Press ran its interpretation of the reader survey it conducted. Here was one of the questions: Do you believe Santa Barbara is a safer place today than it was five years ago? Yes or No. If you said Yes, then that would mean you believe it's A SAFER PLACE TODAY. If you said No, then it means Santa Barbara ISN'T ANY SAFER THAN IT WAS FIVE YEARS AGO. Saying No doesn't mean the city is less safe, but that's how the News-Press has chosen to interpret the results. This paper is a joke.
yes, the city was safer 5 years ago before wendy mcmuffmunch empowered arthur von hemorrhoid, herr schtoopleton (the a-hole of anacapa street) and his improbably hot though buck-toothed wife frau charlotten boechler and don the realtor® katich to turn a vital community voice into their personal sandbox, which they have fouled with their own excrement ever since. this parent is one of don katich's friends and being don's friend can get you a job (jerry fall), a story or get you out of a story if it might embarrass. i wouldn't line a bird cage with this garbage. other papers have stemmed the bleeding. not the n-p. katich will ruin what's left because he is a realtor and a fireworks show promoter. not a newspaper guy.
So the News-Press starts off the story saying "Union teachers..." I wonder if the next time police officers, sheriff's deputies or firefighters rescue someone or make an arrest in a gang killing if the story will start off "Union police officers" or "Union sheriff's deputies" or "Union firefighters." Probably not.
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