ok so Craig Smith is reporting that some News-Press writers are trying to decertify the Teamster's union...but is anyone surprised? the reason the union was brought in years ago was because of Wendy's erratic handling of the Rob Lowe incident....and lately Craig is starting to report more on the News-Press after a lull...maybe he and Katich are feuding....didn't Katich steal Craig's ex-wife away? or viceyversa? what kind of gal would marry Craig Smith, divorce him and marry Don Katich, or vicey versa?? I'll try to get an interview with her..maybe she's the key to all of this!!!
and most of the Starshine era reporters in the newsroom are long gone...Wendy hired guys like Gerry Fall and members of the Young Miss America Foundation which she practically owns... all major suck ups and it's a fact that the News-Press is a shadow of its former self....it is Wendy's vanity rag so you work there at your own peril....it's like the British heirarchy..and face it the Brits have gotten awfully boring since the British Invasion took us by storm and Diana died....there was a royal wedding recently but I can't name the bride and groom....
so the News-Press operates in a faux nobility hierarchy...money and titles and fluff..Wendy is the Queen and Nipper is the King..Gerry Fall is now the Duke of Earl... Scott is the Viscount..and Baron Ron Heron is the Baron..or something like that
so you see, the union may have no place in the current News-Press because being a sports writer is not exactly a job of any importance...hell I could be a sports writer..here's an example:
Red Sox Suck.... by MVC
two strikes and no balls
the next day they played in the afternoon and the Red Sox looked like they were still asleep...Big Papi looked like Big PooPoo...and the cathcer Saltallamachia can't throw to second base so they steal on him alot..he must be a Ukranian or gay.....take your mind off your boyfriend and play baseball goddammit!! the Red Sox lost again and despite paying some new guys 145 million dollar contracts, they are still 14 and 17...last place..they suck...
there.. see I can be sports writer too and I don't have to kiss Wendy's ass to do it!!
Or you could write a column. And, like Dr. Laura, become so offended when someone suggests you have "cojones" that you whine to Wendy and get an editor fired. Then you later brag that you DO have "cojones" and that people are trying to thwart your First Amendment right of free speech. (This really happened? Yes, it did.)
Fire former employees and goad news hires into a decertification process? I'm sure the NLRB never saw THAT one before I wonder why they blocked it. Gee?
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