ok we smokin' (sumthin!) now!
so Lanny Ebenstein continues to write editorials in the News-Press about money woes, interest rates, taxes, inflation, double dip recession (is that like a double dip chocolate ice cream cone?) and a few other things...this must be the reason why the News-Press circulation numbers keep dropping!!
Today, the News-Press had a Monday-Friday combined average circulation of 25000, in 2009 it was 27,576, in 2007 it was 38000 ..in 2000, circulation was 45,389 daily according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation Publisher's Statement.
good job Wendy!!
Now, the only reason he writes these editorial recitations about money is to show his economist daddy how much he loves him!! well the economy is on the upswing..Ford and GMC are showing profits, people are buying cars..those cars have Sirius XM satellite radios installed..if you bought SIRI at 80 cents, it's now at about $2.00 a share....that's how you make some money baby!!!
or you can get it from mommy and daddy, like Lanny does and mommy Wendy says Lanny is president of the new California Center for Public Policy..a non-profit that needs your donations....I wonder where those donations really go...so I see among the CCPP board members are Joe Armendariz, Frank Hotchkiss, Tom Watson, Dan Secord and Mike Stoker..hey, all members of TEAM WENDY.....no surprise there...
and this is the strategy: write anti union editorials in the News-Press to push their anti-worker initiative
and here's their proposed amendment
Proposed amendment to the California state constitution by Californians for Public Union Reform reads as follows:
Article 14, Section 6. Prohibition of Collective Bargaining
No state, county, municipal, or like government officer, agent, or governing body is vested with or possesses any authority to recognize any labor union or other employee association as a bargaining agent of any public officers or employees, or to bargain collectively or to enter into any collective bargaining contract, memorandum of understanding, or other agreements with any such union or association or its agents with respect to any matter relating to public officers or employees or their employment or service.
or you can get it from mommy and daddy, like Lanny does and mommy Wendy says Lanny is president of the new California Center for Public Policy..a non-profit that needs your donations....I wonder where those donations really go...so I see among the CCPP board members are Joe Armendariz, Frank Hotchkiss, Tom Watson, Dan Secord and Mike Stoker..hey, all members of TEAM WENDY.....no surprise there...
and this is the strategy: write anti union editorials in the News-Press to push their anti-worker initiative
and here's their proposed amendment
Proposed amendment to the California state constitution by Californians for Public Union Reform reads as follows:
Article 14, Section 6. Prohibition of Collective Bargaining
No state, county, municipal, or like government officer, agent, or governing body is vested with or possesses any authority to recognize any labor union or other employee association as a bargaining agent of any public officers or employees, or to bargain collectively or to enter into any collective bargaining contract, memorandum of understanding, or other agreements with any such union or association or its agents with respect to any matter relating to public officers or employees or their employment or service.
..and if the CCPP raises enough money to put it on the ballot, the fun will have just begun....I'll keep an eye on these punks, but the initiative sounds like it was written by a hack lawyer..maybe Stoker wrote it because it says that municipalities possess "no authority to bargain with employees"... sure they do...otherwise it's discrimination! and you don't need special authority.. the initiative doesn't say the cities can't negotiate contracts! doesn't say anything about strikes which can happen without collective bargaining..if this thing passes, it will unleash a Pandora's Box of trouble for the conservatives as they lose support of cops, deputies..they already lost the firefighters, teachers, nurses and other public service workers..
good job, Lanny!!!
Another circulation drop? What a surprise! You mean, political bias, yellow journalism, virulent attacks on youths not even brought up on charges, not to mention lousy writing, unfair labor practices, inane editorials and dull photographs doesn't RAISE circulation? Hey, what's the News Pressing doing wrong? Do that rag a favor and cancel your subscription today! Put it out of its misery
As a longtime Santa Barbara resident, I have watched the plight of the News Press and this blog with interest. I believe it is time for Wendy McCaw to consider changes at her publication. I know a little about newspapers, having worked in advertising for the Seattle Times. I also know that the News Press now stands on a dangerous threshold, if it's circulation should drop any lower, it will suffer a serious drop in credibilty and revenue. Perhaps the News Press needs to review its management. For some time I have been puzzled by the lack of a "Managing Editor" creditial on its masthead. I realize there had been some bad blood previously at the paper and newspapers do not often go long without such shifts in management. Perhaps the time has come again. A good managing editor will shift through public opinion to create a paper in synergy with its community. As I hear around town, the New Press has lost much of this relationship. I would like to offer the suggestion that a new managing editor be appointed, perhaps someone already established into (in the manner of William Randolph Hearst running competitors out of business by hiring their top staff) or someone from the outside who will bring a new perspective to the paper. Its current management is obviously not working and, if I may say so, does at times seem a bit redundant in its coverage and slant. I enjoy having a daily newspaper and rather than a rabid call for it demise, I would call for a change at its editorial level with the hope that will help the News Press raise its subscriptions and prolong its longevity.
well, if the News-Press becomes credible, WTF am I gonna do???
So what's happening with the contract talks with the Teamsters? It's been nearly five years since the newsroom staff voted 33-6 for union representation. Publisher Wendy McCaw failed in her attempts to have the vote invalidated.
So Lanny Ebenstein is president of the Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association, president of the California Center for Public Policy, and treasurer of the new Californians for Public Union Reform. Are all of these nonprofits? How many of them have crossover members — and how many of those members have received preferential coverage in the News-Press or been endorsed by the paper for political office? Is Wendy McCaw bankrolling any of these organizations? Mick says some of these board members and advisers are part of Team Wendy. SBCTA: Joe Armendariz, Lanny Ebenstein, Tobe Plough, Mike Stoker, Jan Evans, Harris Sherline. California Center for Public Policy: Lanny Ebenstein, Joe Armendariz, Jean Blois, Jerry Dixon, Steve Forsell, Tony Fox, Frank Hotchkiss, Robert Kallman , Robert Lagomarsino, Catherine Miller, Walter Mead, Dan Secord, Mike Stoker, Tom Watson. Wonder who comprises the board of the new Californians for Public Union Reform?
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