making deals with the devil...
yes the deal was struck to kill all the nonnatives on the Channel was a deal struck with the devil.... even in California's glory, there are people behind the scenes trying to mess it up..mess up California, mess with nature, and they must be stopped....I was glad to see #69 and the News-Press finally add some media attention to the Channel Islands biodiversity scam..but the News-Press conveniently forgot to mention the feds and the non-profit Nature Conservancy are in bed together on this...and a bunch of limp dicks and dry pussies are the reason for the killings....limp dicks and dry pussies..Yvonne Menard, a butt ugly Parks biologist: dry pussy.....that's the reason people kill for nothing...
simply put, what they've done on the islands is a crime and the outcry has been huge..maybe now people will think twice about giving money to the Nature Conservancy....and press charges against them..and I don't give a fuck if the killings are a congressional mandate!
the real point is the non-natives are a valuable addition to the habitats..some plants both native and non-native may pose a if a tree root in lifting a home's foundation, then the tree must go..sorry....
but a tree out in the wild, a grove like the eucs being chopped down to "restore" something is just nonsense.....I am looking into seeing what I can do about it, but I feel like Anne Frank trying to outwit the nazis!!! "Her family, refugees from Germany, immigrates to Holland where the boots of nazi oppression and psychopathic poison are not far behind. Ann's family hides from the invader in an attic where the Dutch who are the antithesis of German intolerance give them meager rations."
I think Wendy has given so much of her ex-husband's money to non-profits, she's lost count! but
the press had a field day with that but the point is the EDC is just another worthless elitist nonprofit trying to restore and protect everything to death..they said after species cleansing, people will be able to enjoy the islands once the "restoration" is done...
and that's the problem: if they can't go to Santa Rosa Island and be awestruck by the beauty of seeing elk and deer roaming ...of the value of all plants and the glorious vistas..if all they see is what should be destroyed and killed so they feel important ...if they can't tell the difference between management and micro-management and mismanagement,then they have some serious issues to contend with...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again....bionativism, the need to rid the landscapes of non-native species, is not an ecological issue, it's a psychological problem...
I dunno, this is a tough one with two sides to it as usual. Santa Rosa was a privately owned island with commercial value. The value was cattle raising and commercial hunting. The deer and elk were introduced in 1910 only to develop a hunting business. When the Vail and Vickers Company closed down their corporation and sold the island to us (the taxpayers), part of the agreement was that they still could operate a commercial hunting business for 5 months out of the year. It was a for-profit business (and big spending millionaires were the bulk of their clientele.)
They had already removed the cattle. The cattle were as non-native as the elk and deer, but it was easy to remove the cattle and sell them off and process them. But when it came time to shut down the commercial hunting enterprise and remove their elk and deer, the Vail and Vickers company stated that is was "too expensive" and "difficult." It's not that they weren't going to remove their property (the elk and deer) but just that they didn't want to pay for it.
The Park Service was sued by the National Park Conservation Association to force them to get rid of the Vail and Vickers Company's property that they left behind after closing the business. Then all three signed an agreement to eradicate the animals since the Vail and Vickers Company were too cheap to do it themselves. So the taxpayers paid the bill.
The elk and deer (brought in by the company for hunting as an enterprise to make profits) were always the property of the Vail and Vickers Company. That designation as private property allowed them financial gain from the profit making commercial hunting enterprise that subsidized their ranching business even after they sold the island. These animals weren't just cute and fuzzy in the eyes of the Vail and Vickers Company, but instead were profit generating commodities.
You took your cows, now take the rest of your property off the island please. Thank you.
Granted mass eradication in this manner may not be the best solution for moving someone's private property that they left behind. But it happens when people abandon real estate: the bulldozers come in and level the building. In theory, this is similar.
The EDC is nothing but a litigious money making non-profit corporation machine profiting through litigation and donations from sympathetic but naive supporters. The organization provides a cash pass through to further the political agenda of several elected officials and organizations under the guise of protecting the environment. It is operated by a disgraced city councilman and thief who had to give up his bar card and is in dire need of psychiatric assistance.
Some EDC staff is walking a very fine line of practicing law without a license. Some of the hanger on attorneys should be under investigation by the bar for ethics violations. It is amazing that local attorneys have not taken the EDC on as vexatious litigants with their self appointed experts and prolific questionable writings. The EDC self appointed crusades are nothing but obstructions to legitimate projects, many publicly funded, and profiteering from court awarded attorney fees.
I must admit they have some gifted writers of profound bullshit. Has anyone taken a good look at these displaced avengers? Perhaps you could take a couple of days off from chasing Peter Lance and the News-Press and go do some real investigative reporting on something of substance. Who knows, your blog could become something more that a bitch board for pissed off former NP employees and contractors who seem to think they know better. Quit complaining about what you have no control over and go do something productive with your writing skills. Who know, you may gain some standing in the community of your own through some real investigative reporting.
Thanks, Bambi. Appreciate the background.
"Perhaps you could take a couple of days off from chasing Peter Lance and the News-Press and go do some real investigative reporting on something of substance."
..but I enjoy chasing Peter and the News-Press, even though I agree they have no substance!
You are a misogynistic pig
69# killed that deer she caught in Solvang on 9/24/2011. Funny that nobody in the NP reported that.
Its my understanding that its illegal to catch deer too even if you are a do-gooder.
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