you know, a gag order might not be needed if Scott and Lance would stop LYING in the press!! but I say give 'em enough rope...they know if this goes to trial they are sunk
and I still don't see any stories in the News-Press about Nipper's and Baron Ron Herron's sons being busted....I think that's newsworthy....
let's check some credibility issues....
ie, the News-Press management is made up of a non-credible bunch of boobs!
well, the county DA is starting to wise up about the News-Press/Lance/Steepleton con job disguised as reporting...Scott is a confirmed liar in the previous labor law hearings.. I thought perjury was a crime....if it was Scott would be wearing the county jail orange jumpsuit...but no, he's out writing lies for Wendy and acting as Peter Lance's personal spin doctor...that should be obvious...
so the possiblity of a gag order is still floating around....
they need to get the court transcripts of the exchange and we'll see who's lying...or fibbing....or stretching the truth...
While the News-Press claims the right to control its content, it doesn't have the right to print lies about the hearings from an unethical reporter...and now Genis, Lance, the News-Press and Wendy's lawyers are playing stupid...."what what did we do???" "we're just exercising our free speech rights..freedom of the press".... "we're just innocent lil babes in the woods" poor little victims of guess who..the big bad government...
gimme drugs
please, let's cut to the chase, get real and stop all this nonsense...if Judge Hill reads the News-Press, that should alarm him as to the credibility of the coverage from Steepleton and why a gag or sanction is needed in this particular case...Peter Lance covering his own DUI and heaping up some tall tales about the police is reason enough, but now I'm getting a picture why the News-Press hates the cops so much: because the fuzz keeps busting their friends and relatives for drugs!!!
the beauty of a possible gag order is the News-Press and Lance would be muzzled, the DA isn't saying much anyway for obvious reasons, and that leaves me, an independent observer, free to be me and cover the hearings as I see fit that's justice!
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