I swear to God if Wendy sells her paper, I won't have anything to do! but I did start this blog to expose her bullshit during the Travis error, I mean era..ok so now she picks a few guys to take his place..two mutts..Tyler and Ebenstein...and Tyler wrote about the big union money machine buying candidates...in other words, the N-P is frightened of guys like me giving money to pro-labor candidates...and thinks there should be a law against public workers supporting people who run for office...they want to take away collective bargaining rights, too..WTF..is there a confederate flag flying over the News-Press building??
wellm Massa Tee, I's be votin likes I wants to, you see here....we slaves been done set free long time ago!!
why, that's just silly...the unions give money to candidates just like the Koch brothers give money to candidates..the only difference is the Kochs really do try to buy guys like
Scott Walker, who willingly snuggles up to them...
the unions on the other hand represent workers..many individuals who have joined forces to keep the workplace from becoming another News-Press..if the union gives $50000 to a candidate and there's 500 people in the union, then that works out to $100 per person..not at all extravagant....so as usual the News-Press is full of baloney and Tyler is, too....the News-Press is worried that its pet conservatives will lose in November because Mike and Dale's focus has been on benches and bulbouts!!
but it is easier to arrest the protestors than the white collar criminals who hide behind lawyers and ill-gotten capital gains..but their day will come..and soon...
now, Team Wendy gets all uppity when the cops arrest Peter Lance for DUI, but I see no such sympathy for the protestors...you see, Wendy supports your right to drink and drive, but not your right to peaceably assemble...because it scares them..and that is very good...
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