Shark's...that is a cool beach off Fernald's Point...we used to surf there all the time as kids..the little abandoned beach cottages were cool...getting wasted in the heat
and even though it was called Shark's, I never saw one or heard of anyone getting eaten by one...still the name is very's a great place to hang out...Shark's...
now fast forward to today and we got animal saviors like WendyMcCuckoo and Peter Howorth of the News-Press and Marine Mammal Center..apparently Peter sees a problem with sharks killing marine mammals and the possible threat to humans! oh, I attended the Shark symposium in Carp at the Plaza Theater, and Pete looked like big dumb farmer, but most of the info was easily obtained in a first course of high school learn sharks are predators and scavengers..and they keep the balance in the ocean. especially when stupid humans try to save everything...the animal rights wackos like Wendy don't get the food chain...let me make it simple for them: if you club a puppy to death, that's animal abuse; if a shark kills a seal, that's not!
so I read in Sunday's News-Press that Peter Howorth and his cohorts are working a on a "Shark Warning System"...the Marine Mammal Center is a non-profit that needs money to save the sea lions and seals, so why not blame the sharks and issue warnings that you're next on the menu if you venture into the water..well duh, that's ALWAYS a possibility since you are entering their domain....again, it's the food chain thing but the number of shark attacks on humans is low, so the chances are slim you'll be's possible but a warning system is just plain silly..these folks try to make themselves look inportant like they are protecting you and your kids from sharks, but they aren' all
and Howorth and his pals don't even address all the artifical reefs close to shore that may attract sharks....
now, I was thinking about artificial reef balls...we do seem to have lots of little kids running around at the beach and everywhere and I had an idea for an artificial would serve two purposes..reduce the over-population of children and make the beaches safer for adults like Peter Howorth and Wendy...
see, you take some kids and put them in the new concrete reef ball...the balls are painted yellow for fun!
then drop them into the ocean a few hundred yards off Leadbetter and presto...the sharks are satisfied, the parents are happy with a few less kids to worry about, and the swimmers are free to surf and swim without worrying about a shark attack!
I think it's a modest proposal
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