desperate non-profits turn to booze events to raise money....perhaps I've driven them all to drink!!
kids, your parents are drunk all the time for a's your job to figure out why and I'm gonna help you!!
ok so there's the "Beer Guy" over at the Sentinel..Zach Rosen who is 22 years old calls himself a Certified Cicerone (Italian for retard?) and beer educator..this little turd has teamed up the the Botanic Gardens to offer a "Beer Boutique Festival" for a few hours on July 20th... basically being a beer cicerone means's fluff for fluff: The Cicerone Certification Program offers that independent assessment and certification so that industry professionals—as well as consumers—can be sure of the knowledge and skills possessed by current and prospective beer servers.
next we have the Carpinteria business community jumping on the alcohol bandwagon...Carpinteria Magazine, published by the Coastal View folks had the silliest article on beer I've ever seen...apparently there's a group of homebrewers in Carp who extoll the virtues of drunkenness and parties...I think these folks spend their time watching the Moonshine show about some backwoods hillbillies who make hootch and for some reason that appeals to these creeps..
as they say "the only way to get good at beer tasting is to drink alot of it"...oh really, well they will have an opportunity at the 1st Carp Beer Fest by the beach in August to benefit these non-profits: Channelkeeper and Surfrider among others..pathetic..
[update] I asked the City of Carp's Community Development Director Jackie Campbell if the "Surf and Suds" event needed a permit to sell booze..she said since it will take place in a state park, the City of Carp has little say-so in the matter.... so I'll see if the ABC has issued a permit
then we got a guy named Jim Rollins who holds beer tasting for the Howard School where his children attend, according to the article in Carpinteria Mag..the tastings are auctioned for as much as $1500....Rollins looks like a sloshed lush and is no doubt an embarrassment to his kids...his poor kids
ok- as all these fucks contribute to alcohol ignorance and abuse, they are now on my radar...
With all these nonprofits hosting booze-related events, do the cops plan DUI stakeouts and check drivers? If not, why not?
"He uses his background in chemical engineering and the arts to seek out abstract expressions of beer and discover how beer pairs with life."
what a sad and hateful article... beer is as american as apple pie and i'm looking forward to drinking one at the botanical gardens
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