gee, I missed Ted Nugent at the Chumash Casino! he was there to parody himself and did a great job I'm told...
first, Andy Caldwell has been hurling accusations against the liberals on the BOS for twenty years, so why stop now? well actually that's his job to try and link the supes to some illegal activity...but has Preacher Andy forgotten the bible? thou shalt not bear false means you should not lie (tell an untruth) in such a way that it will hurt someone else....
now the reason I started this blog was Wendy kept bearing false witness against public workers..public workers who are too busy working and raising families to deal with her absurd behavior..but me? I got plenty of time on my hand...time is on my side, so Team Wendy, I'll always have time for ya!!
so Andy is playing pin the tail on the donkey, trying to pin the liberal supes to some non-existant scandal..well what he's really doing is trying to protect pal and ex-superviosr conservative Joni Gray who was busted and disgraced for sticking her hands in the non-profit cookie jar in Lompoc!! I haven't heard a peep from Pastor Andy about Joni....hmmmm
is Lanny high?? |
and look at Lanny's he on qualudes?? pot? his pupils are constricted and/or dilated!! he looks high!! he looks weird, he looks spooked!! he looks like member of Team Wendy!!
or Eddie Munster on dope!! hahahaha!
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