look at Erin Brockovich's mugshot after she was busted for DUI- driving a powerboat drunk in June!!..she looks like Nick Nolte! yuck!!
and besides, it's Fiesta with all the Tequila festivals and drinking, everybody will be drunk! even I might get drunk but I promise you I won't drive drunk!
but the bottom line is drinking to self-medicate does not work and if that's what Paula was doing then she needs to stop..but if she was drinking to...ya know, just to drink well who cares, she didn't hurt anybody...even Buddhist monks have one day a year when they get drunk and carouse and cavort around the hillsides...
ok so being a public personality like Paula..well this incident may lose her a few hosting jobs for Fiesta, but it also may be a chance for a new beginning..I think that's what Paula really wants..a new beginning...
and she deserves one...
You're just assuming that Paula wasn't driving while drunk. They wouldn't have arrested her unless something was very wrong, but the media takes care of their own as far as they can. So does law enforcement. Paula gets a nod thourgh both of them.
get a grip, Darryl!
No, you get a grip Von Coward. I never post anon only by my name, and I never said anything negative about Paula.
Darryl Genis
gee Darryl, I didn't even mention your last name! I was referring to Darryl Hall the singer! what are you so touchy for??
"Some women got it and some don't". Essentially you're simply saying some women are physically beautiful and some aren't. What an obvious and pointless and sexist observation. It's analogous to " some men have large penises and some don't". Who cares.
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