in the local the seems that Wendy's Young Miss America Foundation had some old coot for a speaker recently..Phyllis Schafly is an ultra conservative who is warbling an old song by conservatives: colleges are indoctrinating students...well that's partly true..if you go to a rightwing Christian college, you will work at FOXNEWS..but I think Phyllis is talking about public schools...anything that teaches other than conservative ideals is indoctrination to Phyllis...and her clones Michele Bachman and Ann Coulter...both mastubatory material for Dick Cheney and the FOXNEWS guys....
Phyllis's real problem is she never had a good fuck in her life..and now she's it's too late..but I find her as inspirational as a wet noodle...
next we have a front page story in the Daily Sound about coyotes..beware of coyotes..they're everywhere and are gonna kill your cats dogs and children....of course, that's nonsense and if you see a coyote it's a blessing..they are resourceful beautiful wild canines..the wild part is what scares people...but healthy ecosytems demand a healthy population of don't fear them or kill them because time and again they have proven to be smarter than man...they just doubledown on the breeding when the population diminishes..they are awesome creatures and will leave you leave them alone or I'll cut your children's heads off..and I mean it!!
then the Unity Shoppe Telethon was on KEYT and it was a pared down version due to the's always due to the economy....what's wrong with the economy??
some things never was cute..some of these concerts from the 1980s will never happen again..and you can thank Mother Nature for aging these hipsters!!
Merry Unity erybody!!!
1 comment:
I always considered the Pledge of Allegiance political propaganda. Especially the part: " nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
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