Monday, December 5, 2011

in cars

here in my car, I feel safest of all....but would you get into my car if I had been drinking??

now when I was speaking with DUI attorney Darryl Genis outside the police station he mentioned something that I've heard before..on the Mr. Wimpy show..he said that while he was for getting heavily impaired drivers off the road he was less concerned about people who've had a few drinks drinving...he indicated that drivers using cell phones, moms attending to kids while driving are just as dangerous as DUI....Mr. Wimpy said the same thing while interviewing Lance and also said driving with 0.2 BAC is perfectly ok....

next we have the Sunday guestatorial by Terry Tyler about the Bill of Rights and stopping motorists..the Constitution and the Bible are the two most misinterpreted writings ever published..people use them to make excuses for their own failings and prejudices....if God says it's ok to hate gays, then I can!! just pure silliness but there's lots of money that goes to these churches...and that's how you chip away at the deficits..TAX THESE CHURCHES, CHARITES, and NON-PROFITS!!

now, the News-Press as usuual is on the wrong side of the road...Terry repeats the excuse that talking on cell phones while driving is just as dangerous as DUI...this argument is nonsense..booze is a drug that impairs judgement..cell phones and children aren't drugs..if a bee flies in your face while you're driving, that's dangerous too..should we kill all bees? this is how low the News-Press has sunk: defending drunk drivers....

Tyler says there was no probable cause to pull over DeNunzio...that everyone in SB runs stops signs and makes unsafe lane changes!! well the cops can't be everywhere and Terry is just shilling for Nipper and Wendy who are pro-booze and drugs....just look at their kids!!

DeNunzio is an adult who had no front license plate, was driving erratically, was DUI, had a suspended license for a previous DUI...if that's not probable cause, then I don't know what is....
driving is a privilege not a right....if you don't have the personal responsibility to operate a vehicle sober, then we pay the cops to get you off the road....and if I see you driving erratically, I'll call 911 and try to get a cop to you in time to bust your ass, motherfucker!

here's some probable cause
The officer on patrol has observed erratic, suspicious driving, or a series of traffic infractions indicating the possibility that the driver may be impaired. This is by far the most common reason for stopping a suspect...
symptoms of DUI
Appearing to be drunk
Straddling center or lane marker
Turning abruptly or illegally

now a funny thing happened while I was out driving in the footlhills and of course I didn't have my trusty camera with me...

a red car in front of me was driving erratically...hitting the brakes, swerving and driving like a maniac..slow and fast....I couldn't believe it and kept raising my hands at the driver...
it was a girl driving and an old guy in the passenger seat wearing sombrero.. I followed them for two miles along 192 and two miles back to my place because they were in front of me the whole time....and I had to hit my brakes when she kept flaking out!! I swear she'd go from 40mph down to about 10 mph on state highway!!! then she'd speed up again...

I needed a dash cam and I think I'll get one..but anyway I saw a cop going the other direction and waved at him from my car...I pulled into my place and he turned around and followed.. I told him about the driver who had just pulled into Kim's the cop waited until the red car left Kim's and then pulled him over.... I went out before that and saw the car exit..this time the old guy was driving and the teen who looked about 13 was in the passenger what happened was the teen was driving while I followed, and the guy drove afterwards when they saw the cop....I went out later and they were gone..the cop and the red car....
I guess the old dude was letting his unlicensed daughter or granddaughter drive in the foothills which is pretty stupid since she doesn't know how....
what does this prove..that the cop had probable cause (my citizen complaint) to pull over the car and check it out....sure because I'm a credible witness...but since the old guy was driving when they left Kim's Market, the cop let them go...

now, if I were a cop driving on Foothill Rd, I would've have pulled them over because I had what? probable cause...and the love of Jesus in my pretty green eyes....but since I'm not a cop, all I can do is keep an eye out for stupid drivers...and I will...

and to all you dudes wearing sombreros letting 13 year old girls drive your red Ford bueno amigos!!!

and what's up with this??
- 8:30 am 1366485 Peter A Lance Trial Confirmation Brian E Hill SB2
Peter Lance trial confirmation?? I thought the case got dismissed...hmmmmm..maybe it was put on the calendar under the assumption that no judge in his right mind would dismiss the case on such a flimsy excuse as "no probable cause"!!


Anonymous said...

Heard a rumor that your favorite Carp Council member picked up another DUI over the weekend. Nothing about it in the N-P yet.

Mick Von Caw said...

well if that's true, I'll be on it like an olive on a martini!

UnoDosTres said...

"Damn Over-Paid Union coppers" would be the headline. All this N-P b.s. is about unions and pay. The elitist at the N-P always have that angle. They don't call it Zona Seca for nada.....

Anonymous said...

I just have to say, Terry Tyler is a fucking idiot! I will make you a deal Terry, I won't write any editorials about money, finances, accounting, etc, and you keep your cake hole shut about enforcing the law, making traffic stops, dealing with drunken criminals, etc......okay?
Tyler wrote:
Really, not using a turn signal to change lanes? Half the people in this town don't bother to use turn signals when making turns.
Or what about all the drivers who constantly run stop signs and red lights? How about pulling all of them over, before going after turn-signal scofflaws?......Would a "reasonably prudent person" think that not using a turn signal warrants a traffic stop? I don't think so, especially when so many motorists flagrantly violate the law against using hand-held cell phones.
To use Terry's logic.....we shouldn't pull over people for minor violations of the law (probable cause) because lots of people are doing things that are worse....that's just stupid! That's the same stupidity that leads people to say stuff like... "Don't you have anything better to do? There are rapists and murderers out there and you're harassing me for not wearing my seatbelt."
Mick, please tell me....what are the wise and wonderful Terry Tyler's qualifications that would warrant his numerous editorials on how things should be in the law enforcement realm?

Mick Von Caw said... ain't got none!! but Wendy likes him because he's a loser like Lanny and Nipper...

Carley Marx said...

Miss Wendy's wealth (um, her wealth that was handed to her on a silver platter through a divorce decree), comes from underpaying workers.

All wealth comes from labor. Capital is accumulated by undervaluing labor so that the excess value from that labor can be accumulated as profit. This is why unions and all the better paid servants are such an anathema to the uber rich. Paying them the actual value of their goods and services means reduced profitability and reduced personal wealth. That's the only reason why they dislike the concept of workers uniting under a union. Yet they form their own collective business alliances ('capitalist unions') and hire lobbyists to change legislation in their favor. They do the same thing that they claim the worker's unions do: manipulate the law and public opinion to increase their own wealth. This is a big hypocrisy on their part.

But if Miss Wendy paid her News Press lackey workers a proper union wage then that would mean less money for personal goodies like pet donkeys.