Tuesday, May 14, 2013


lost or found....
there's a big field I walk in and feel like a kid again....the wind is blowing softly over the lake and the sun is bright and warm..and I see the Eucalyptus trees that..are they..yes, they are...I get out the binoculars and see for the first time in my life a bald eagle in the same space and time as me..I'm transformed and mesmerized...a guy walks up and I share my binocs with him..we marvel at the birds...he walks on...

keeping a respectful distance, I see a lone eagle watching over the area in one euc..and I see- but barely- in the other euc some chicks and possibly the mom eagle....so the lone eagle must be the dad....
I watched for an hour and he remained perched...I was so in the moment that it appeared the world had stopped turning so I could witness this ...he was well hidden but visible enough for a few shots..... and then I left....forever changed...again

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