Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ride my seesaw

school talk one and one is two....

local attorney in big trouble for misogynistic words...

while local DUI attorney Darryl Penis tries to quell a storm of controversy for his statements about a prosecuting attorney, more women are calling for Mr. Penis to answer to the State Bar...

it seems that after a hung jury in the Tony Denunzio trial, Mr. Penis was excited about his client's chances and told the News-Press referring to the prosecutor that "he slit her throat and she didn't even know she was bleeding"..the prosecutor is a French gal named Mais Oui and she's pretty I'm no misogynist...I love women..I love their panties that their mother laid out for them and their sweet little pu......oh whoops..sorry!!

actually Mr. Penis is the misogynist not me so let's try to stay focused, okay?

so a gal from a political committee wrote a letter to the News-Press comdemning Mr. Darryl Penis for his violent hateful comments about Mais Oui, the county prosecutor...

Darryl wrote an apology of sorts in the Independent instead of the News-Press and Mr. Penis cited the Dick Act of 1902 which allows for American males to act stupid every now and then...

actually the Dick Act was about the right to have weapons unregulated by gov't or something like that...what Mr. Penis was referring to was the Dickhead Act of 1972 which gives males some leeway when they make idiots of themselves....

however, in a professional setting, Mr. Penis needs to learn to control himself and not act like such a dickhead..and that goes for the rest of you, too

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