Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bo Diddley

Bo Diddley just buy his baby diamond ring
If that diamond ring don't shine
He gonna take it to a private eye
If that private eye can't see
He'd better not take the ring a-from me

I haven't been to the court house recently...the halls of Justice...but I might have to head see her again

topic: harassment....when a 60 year old man yells and uses profanity in front of a 3-year old girl, that's harassment and that's a problem....I won't tolerate that

now what about this other stuff??

make the world go away...
after harassing Prince Albert of Monaco for a few years, Mr.Shrimpy, aka Robert Eringer the proprietor of Bo Henry's bar, is suing some dude for harassment! the guy being sued is William J. Dalziel, a contractor.. I think these guys were doing battle on the Montecito bar circuit and Eringer said that Dalziel was a drunk Indian or something..he said that on Mr .Wimpy's Show!!

09/5/2013 Defendant: William Jarvis Dalziel.... Plaintiff/To be protected-Harasmnt: Robert Henry Eringer

haha..anyway, Erniger wrote book about all the barflies in Montecito called Montecito Madness and I guess they are all after him which is why he opened a bar on Santa Barbara's Westside!! a hearing is scheduled for Mon at 10:30am...ooooh, good time maybe I'll check it out.

meanwhile here's some reviews of "Montecito Madness" from Amazon

I only gave it 2 stars because I don't like to say "I hate" something. But it really deserves one star at most.
The book serves no purpose- no rhyme or reason for it. Maybe the author wanted to make the point of the emptiness that he seems to think is all Montecito has to offer. The poor soul seems lost in his bizarre circle of drunkards.
No real beginning, middle or end. No story.
He must have been bored out of his mind to write like this.
Sorry to be so strongly negative. I do treasure reading all kinds of books- this was simply a blank.

The only rationale for this book would be to win a bet with his boozing low-life affluent buddies that he could simply write a novella about his crowd and get folks to pay for it. He won. I lost.

The author and his friends were severe alcoholics with complete disregard for their families and most hard working individuals.!!!!! They were so Peter Pan like immature men who were also shallow and there only common denominator was their love of drinking Booze and the socialization it enabled them! It was far from An Iceman Cometh!!!!! I enjoy a book that has a valid message and teaches me something that allows me to grow as a human being! This book told me what I already knew--- drunks are not reliable people and most are ego maniacs and selfish!!!! Who does not know that!! It is disease and instead of sitting at a bar and going from place to place in nice restaurants after getting thrown out of most of them due to driving the staff crazy!!! AA meetings would have been a better meeting place! These friends, and I use the term very loosely, enabled one another and hurt one another--- FRIENDS I think not! The book was not written well I just liked the name dropping of the celebrities in Montecito as I live in nearby Santa Barbara and even that was far from impressive, as many movie stars were my neighbors in both of my homes back EAST!!!! And they are just people and deserve their privacy when dining out!!!! The author, who was one of the halves!!! in my humble opinion liked to hang out with those who did not have to feel better about himself in all areas of his life!! The book portrayed the ugly side of the people in it and NO, I did not enjoy it and would not recommend it to anyone of substance and intelligence! UNLESS you are a lover of Reality TV and adore the no talented Kim and her mother and her four sisters !!! -then go for it with all your Zest!!!


ok over athe SB School District as if they don't have enough problems, here's one more...

Civil Other-SB: Santa Barbara Unified School District vs Nicola Mollo
seems the school dist is suing a gal named Defendant: Nicola Molla for harassement...apparently Nicola is harassing Person to be Protected-Harassment: Jennifer Flick and Alicia Saballa-Santana

school Supe David Cash doesn't appear to be a hands-on manager...does he walk the school grounds, do the rounds or does he get others to do it for him??

but that Monique gal sure is pretty!

then we have a Clenet getting into criminal mischief....09/30/2013 - 8:30 am ..Alexis Kelly Clenet Arraignment on Complaint Thomas R Adams SB8

now I know that Nipper and the car dude Alain Clenet bought condos in Bonneymeade at about the same time last year..and I know the kids and grandkids are spoiled or druggies, but I don't know what this case is about...not that I care really but I am intrigued..but am I intrigued enough to get up at 8:30 AM to check it out...

I don't know...these things are very unpredictable, like Lady Justice...


Sophia said...

Most of all, you really don't want to go to Bo henry. the owner is creepy, for sure, but he makes the place look like a worrying place. Weird feeling, reinforced with the insane deployment of security cameras...

Mick Von Caw said...

"a worrying place"... Sophia, that's brilliant!