Thursday, September 26, 2013

goin' up the country

I'm going up the country, babe don't you wanna go / I'm going up the country, babe don't you wanna go / I'm going to some place where I've never been before

Britteny, we got enough drunk American yuppies....learn to drink like French girls!! show a little class!

now even though the Police Association is a bit confused about the city council candidates endorsing Mr. Wimpy's bitch, Jason Nelson, at least the officers on the street are taking care of business and arresting drunks who bash into cars and maim people...or fall asleep at stop lights...

of course the cops are no strangers to lawsuits..the nature of the job is to police the city which entails sometimes stopping they need reasonable cause to do that...if a cop sees a gal smash into a parked car, there is reasonable cause to stop her and see wut up with the fine babe who maybe drunk or drugged out....

 I'm gonna leave this city, got to get away
All this fussing and fighting, man, you know I sure can't stay

ok so we know that Darryl Genis is Britteny's lawyer and DeNunzio's lawyer and he loves to spend time at the Independent trying to tell you the cops are bad but his drunk clients are always the good guys, the poor li'l innocent a matter of fact I think Britteny is a spoiled little slut! and Tony's a man-whore..but DG's latest comment on the Indie is that the City Council denied a small settlement to Britteny so now she and her lawyers will have to go to trial....I think she'll get screwed again

and I know we got some wacky cops out there esp in the Highway Patrol....I got my eye on those dudes

but it doesn't matter what I think, only what I can prove..look Britteny there's two ways you're gonna make money in the future if you keep drinking booze: suing the city or on your back, turning tricks..your lawyers don't want to help you, they just want the money, honey..

are you ready to change Britteny? ok so here's what you do..get rid of your bozo lawyers, Genis and Beck ...kick 'em in the ass and shove them out the if you think the two cops broke your arm on purpose after you crashed DUI into that parked car, then take the two bozo cops to small claims court and try to convince the judge...

Well I'm going where the water tastes like wine
We can jump in the water, stay drunk all the time

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