Sunday, September 22, 2013

I think we're alone now

children behave, that's what they say when we're together....

Wayne's ideas make me giggle like a
half-naked schoolgirl
at the beach!

ok so  Mayor Helene in Santa Barbara has no real challenger, just loony Mesa dude Wayne Scoles...Wayne of course was arrested by SB Police chief Cam Sanchez but the jury found him not guilty..he sued the City of SB and in essense, nothing really happened because both events canceled each other out..but Wayne's still ranting about it...

Cam's daughter works for KEYT...Victoria is her name and boy is she pretty....and smart..smarter than Wayne Scoles...
now I've included two pics of Victoria Sanchez in this here is the KEYT gal and the other is an actress/producer...and I bet they both smell purty

and Victoria!

ok..Wayne has a few ideas I'd like to highlight...first, he wants to start a computerized call-in program where people get a voter ID number and everytime an issue comes up-bulb-outs, gangs or homeless- they can call in and the "will of the people" would be read at City Council meetings..that way we'll know who is voting for what the people want and what's best for the people....

huh?? the will of the people is decided at the voting booth..a few people showing up at council meetings crying about bulb-outs is not the will of the people.......Wayne, it's a stupid idea..the voters elect you to do a job with the brains you got!! so it looks like you won't get elected!!

Wayne's World-
Party Affiliation: "Realist"

so the second thing Wayne says we should do to deal with the homeless: "biomedics... a thing they are working on now which will dissolve into your body after their usefulness" ....I don't get it, Wayne...I don't understand what you said or what you mean...the only thing I could find about Biomedics is they sell contact lenses online! Wayne...wut up dude????

then he says eventually, you can implant a medical monitor in the crazy homeless that will dispense medications...the problem he says is when they start feeling better, they stop taking meds and go off track...

and Wayne should know!! wow, this dude has got the homeless issue down, baby!!

now now, according to the News-Press, Scoles has a BA in studio art and a teaching credential from art..a degree in studio art? WTF is a degree in pet counseling??? geez...

Wayne Scoles is goofier than Orly Taitz! and he has about as much chance as getting elected...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

About four years ago, I attended a community event on gangs. Wayne Scoles, who was in the audience, began ranting loudly and continuously about his dealings with Police Chief Cam Sanchez, who wasn't there. People who came for the presentation were getting upset and complaining but he wouldn't shut up. He came across as a bully almost hoping someone would challenge him. I wonder if he's changed.