Friday, September 27, 2013

wild thing

you make my heart sing...

anyone who advocates using poison on landscapes to kill animals or non-native plants should be arrested and put on fire

when I heard that La Colina school allowed the poisoning of golphers and squirrels, I was perplexed...the school district used zinc phophide which is listed as a "highly toxic" substance along side sarin gas...sarin gas was used to kill kids in Syria..
 Sarin, or GB, is an organophosphorus compound with the formula [(CH3)2CHO]CH3P(O)F. It is a colorless, odorless liquid, used as a chemical weapon owing to its extreme potency as nerve agent. It has been classified as a WMD...

Metal phosphides have been used as rodenticides. A mixture of food and zinc phosphide is left where the rodents can eat it. The acid in the digestive system of the rodent reacts with the phosphide to generate the toxic phosphine gas.

dead golpher...dinner??

now the best way to trap/kill golphers is with metal traps...squirrel I got no problem with..I don't know why people have to kill them unless for food...not that I ever ett squirrel...I ett beaver b'fore, but I ain't never ett squirrel!

so you place a trap in a golpher hole and in a few days, you get a dead muss, no fuss and no poison....poison spreads in the atmosphere..if you must use poison, it needs to be in bait stations where no other animal can get to this osprey enjoying a meal that hopefully doesn't have any residual poison from idiots on the ground...

so the pest control company and SB and incompetent schools Superintendent David Cash need to explain themselves....the buck stops with Supe Cash..instead of spending money on drug -sniffing dogs, why not golpher sniffing dogs??

the fact that some kids complained of feeling sick and were ignored or told to "tough it out" by La Colina staff is criminal and abusive....

David Cash needs to resign from his position as school superintendent and an investigation launched immediately....if not sooner

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