Selling articles of congress to these people downtown
He was pretty sleazy when I met him
I predict Tony will lose because he is a loser and hopefully the judge will toss the case before the taxpayers pony up any money for him and his lawyer.
looking for a payday? sue City Hall!!!
and of course Darryl's personal reporter Scott Steepleton who does the Tequila crawl at the News-Press covered the story, saying the Superior Court gave a stinging rebuke to the county for the case against Tony..stinging rebuke?
well, it's the News-Press what do I expect...there was no stinging rebuke anywhere...the State Bar of California gave a stinging rebuke to Darryl Genis and the courts gave a stinging rebuke to Tony Denunzio for drinking too much, anger issues, and hitting his girlfriend's son as we see below...
ok so let's look at the players...Tony and his lawyer Darryl Genis...Tony is no stranger to the court system having served 30 days in jail for battery...not stealing batteries..BATTERY..beating up teens: from the Independent: Tony Denunzio must serve 30 days in jail, enroll in anger management therapy, abstain from alcohol, and pay a fine after being found guilty by a jury of battery on his girlfriend’s son
and when he was pulled over at Gelson's, he was driving on a suspended license for a previous DUI..and was drinking that night...ok so he's a scumbag..I know that you know that and now the Feds know it!!
Britteny Cotledge v. City of Santa Barbara et al
Plaintiff: Britteny Cotledge
Defendants:City of Santa Barbara, Kyle Crooks, Does, Chief Cam Sanchez and Officer Aaron Tudor
Nature of Suit:Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
the two lawyers Darryl Genis and Thomas Beck are filing all these civil rights cases's a bunch of bullshit and a little scam to get taxpayer money for them and their DUI you are gonna pay for drunk drivers who sue the city when they get arrested!!! some get arrested multiple times as in Tony's case....
Lance, Darryl, and Mr. Wimpy! |
Case No. l 1 -O- 18966 Business and Professions Code section 6043.5 [Making a False and Malicious State Bar Complaint]
"Because [Gerard] disrespected me and cost me a client, and because she has rel\~sed to give me a sincere apology, she will pay the price. 1 will personally make her miserable by increasing her workload until either her office,(sic) or lhe bench denies her the ability to oppose and disrespect me."
COUNT TWO Case No. 11-O- 18966 Business and Professions Code section 6106 ]Moral Turpitude]
and there are more counts for Darryl to answer to.....check out the link
now we'll see where these frivolous civil rights lawsuits go with these weasel lawyers and their white boy drunks...
hey maybe I can sue them for violating my civil rights when they drink and drive and waste time in the courts!!
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