and that's witchy why the new series by Lance and the News-Press is so pathetic...trying to smear the cops for doing their job....I think Lance thinks he's in some TV show about cops and can't separate facts from fantasy....and the News-Press, whose grip on reality is long gone, is the only paper that will publish Lance's crazy talk....
ok so I go online to look for Lance's series and the amateurs at the News-Press have the title and story mixed up...geez!! are they looking at child porn on Wendy's office computers again??
well this may explain the News-Press online failures:
Though the site has only 6,411 active registered users, including print subscribers, according to Montecino, co-publisher Arthur von Wiesenberger — the paper’s former restaurant critic and the fiancĂ© of controversial owner/publisher McCaw — said the News-Press’ readership is "somewhat more mature" and prefers news on paper, which may account for the site’s modest visitor tally.
The News-Press is also conspicuously absent from all social media sites. To this, von Wiesenberger said, "It’s the owner’s feeling that we’re not arbitrators, and we don’t really see that as our jobs. There’s plenty of blogs and social media in this town who can cater to those discussion points, but what we do — and what we want to put our resources towards — is providing quality, unbiased news reporting."
tar and cement
I was on a jury once that heard a drug case...the cops found a guy in the Ortega Park bathroom, the little park across from the Jr. High, with black tar heroin...he was a Mexican dude and got lawyer who said the cops planted it, then busted the guy...I remember that one cop on the witness was a little fuzzy in his timeline, and the lawyer tried her best to create reasonable doubt in our minds, but Mex was found guilty of possession really don't wanna mess with heroin...a slap on the wrist for these lowlifes is not enough....
ok so a continuation of Lance's nuttiness in today's News-Press explores Officer Kasi Beutel's tastes in clothing, her wedding, her this and her's in a collage form over two full pages...
so I don't really know what this is supposed to prove....that Lance is a drama queen??
I already knew that...
Mick, You missed it....there is something new in Lance's million word march toward insanity.... The conspiracy has now grown to include certain State agencies, and essentially anyone who doesn't agree with his crazy theories and specious allegations. Virtually every top government official is involved in this mass cover up for little Officer Kasi. Will his madness ever stop?
haha! did Kasi put some weird lady cop spell on Lance, I wonder?? the dude is possessed!
Dear Editor/Peter Lance,
Great reporting on the Kasi Beutel matter and multi level government cover up. I hope readers don’t miss the broader, more significant point, that this is how government routinely operates in trampling the rights of everyone outside their privileged Fiefdom.
I once appealed a citation for rolling 4 feet past a stop sign on a bicycle among a group of other similarly attired cyclists (Nidever and Via Real). I requested discovery including video I knew CHP officer Rodriguez had taken. Rodriguez sent discovery material to me, but not the video, which the judge viewed in private on the date of my trial. Judge said I was guilty. I appealed because I was not afforded due process and had not seen the evidence upon which my guilt was determined. On 11-23-2011 Appeals court agreed that discovery had not been provided and that due process had been breached, but that didn’t change the fact that I was guilty. Case closed.
Similarly, it’s not the injustice I received, it’s the injustice routinely meted out by our system of “justice”.
Yelp post:
In Santa Barbara, judges simply ignore the constitution and defendant rights. What a joke.
RE Case 08407MW
Honorable Judges Anderle, Rigali and Dandona,
I am in receipt of the Decision On Appeal of above referenced case filed on 12-1-2011. While I appreciate and am impressed with the court's detailed analysis of my case, I take exception to what I consider a fatal flaw in the court's ruling against me.
On Page 5, line 7, the court states "Although the prosecution failed to produce the subject video to defendant, in violation of the discovery rules and due process, the court does not find this to be a basis for reversing defendant's conviction in the case."
To me, this is equivalent to convicting someone the state failed to Mirandize or search without a warrant, because, what the heck, they were possibly
guilty anyway.
And this:
It's taken me 68 years to decide I generally do not like government authorities. Not that they're all bad, or that they're evil human beings, but typically as "privileged" civil servants, generally above the law, they treat the rest of us like garbage. Justice is often an elaborate and costly sham, benefitting primarily the state and civilian lawyers.
Raymond Chandler: The white moonlight was cold and clear. Like the justice we seek but never find.
geez dude, did Kasi put a spell on you, too??
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