ok so the way I see it, one of the main challenges in life is dealing with shitheads...they are everywhere and it's all I can do to keep tabs..but I gotta watch them because you never know what shitty little thing they got planned...and usually their plans upset me..
the latest shitheads are the Park Service led by head shithead Rich Rozelle WHO IS NOW ON MY RADAR ..they are in the process of cutting down 50 eucalyptus trees -no notice, no public hearing-because they are labeled non native..they always point to "safety issues" but no one in Carp has been hurt by these trees...which are actually naturalized since they've been here forever..and the eucs from Padaro to the state park are key habitat for raptors and Monarh butterflies!! they also cut down two big pines at the entrance to the park.. they are denuding the park of trees!
recall when the Parks Service were closing parks because they said they didn't have enough money..
McGrath State Beach in Oxnard will be shut down indefinitely in September for lack of $500,000 to repair its aging sewer infrastructure, park officials say.
April 15, 2011|By Steve Chawkins, Los Angeles Times
McGrath State Beach, a popular camping spot by the Oxnard shore, will close indefinitely in September for lack of $500,000 to replace an aging sewer line and lift station, state park officials said Thursday.
"We have to close the park because the sewer infrastructure has gotten to a point of decay where I can't in good conscience keep it open," said Richard Rozelle, superintendent of state parks and beaches in the area.
then it was found they were hiding some kind of giant surplus to the tune $54 million! this is NOT public service!!! ROZELLE IS ONE OF THE SHITHEADS I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!
ok, so the trees are at the Carp State Park...I've watched these shitheads try to remake this little piece of Heaven into a native only park..they ripped out ice plant by the creek that increased erosion...the natives they planted are dying, so they have their own water supply THAT I HAVE TO PAY FOR!!!
or this one: Eucalyptus trees kill birds through ‘beak-gumming.’ FALSE
This myth is traceable to a conjecture that was presented as a theory, and repeated as a fact – a 1997 article that has benefited from a "signal-boost" from the anti-eucalyptus campaign. It argues that unlike the long-beaked Australian birds, which co-evolved with the eucalyptus flower, short-beaked Californian birds get their faces gummed while foraging in eucalyptus flowers and suffocate....BALONEY!!!
and if you are afraid of eucalyptus trees, you are more likely to die from these:
1. Obesity kills 30,000 people annually
2. Lightning kills 10,000 people annually
3. Texting (while driving or walking) kills 6,000 people annually
4. Hippos kill 2,600 people annually (Mostly in Africa due to being NOT nice and fluffy zoo animals)
5. Airplanes kill 1,200 people annually
6. Volcanoes kill an average of 845 people every year
7. Autoerotic Asphyxiation kills 600 people every year (getting high by holding your breath and jerking off)
8. Shopping on Black Friday kills 550 people annually
9. Falling out of bed kills 450 Americans alone every year. No numbers known from other countries
10. Bathtubs kill 340 people every year
11. Deer kill 130 people every year (due to car accidents)
12. Icicles kill 100 Russians every winter, no numbers known from other countries
13. Hot Dogs kill 70 children every year
14. Tornadoes kill 60 people annually
15. Jellyfish kill 40 people per year
16. Dogs kill 30 Americans per year, numbers from other countries not included
17. Ants also kill 30 people per year
18. High School Football kills 20 people per year
19. Vending machines kill 13 people annually
20. Roller Coasters kill 6 people per year
and did you know that more people are killed from coconuts falling from trees? a coconut smack on the coconut will kill ya before a euc will....so long baby!!
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