the weather is nice so I hop on the bike to check out something I saw earlier
these guys have been here for two days spraying squiggly lines on Via Real...
I pull up to the first guy who's holding up a stop sign..then he tells me to go ahead so I go ahead only I get back on the right side of the road and cross one of their squiggly lines and one of the county guys yells at me to stay off the lines....I yell back at him to go back to the jail...some of these county guys look like gangbangers... you represent the County of Santa Barbara, get a shave!
and it's not like I'm trampling over a Picasso or something...geez fellas..ever heard of slurry seal? just do the whole road from Carp to needs it!
then I see some ducks and a turtle in the creek....I thought back to the poisoned plants and frowned at the fact that the run-off could easily reach the creek and poison my little friends...
and then what? when they are all gone, let me remember the things I love...
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